Sacred Texts
Some Myths and Legends of the Australian Aborigines
by W. J. Thomas
This is a short collection of Australian Aborigine folklore, addressed to
a general audience.
The tales and folklore are recounted factually, but the book has a few
racist overtones, so the reader is encouraged to be alert.
The author doesn't even pretend to have had any
direct contact with actual Aborigines:
this should be considered a secondary text at best.
Thomas also wrote
The Welsh Fairy Book.
Title Page
The Story of the Seven Sisters and the Faithful Lovers
A Legend of the Sacred Bullroarer
Giant Kangaroos
The Great Fight
The Flying Chip
Why the Whale Spouts, the Starfish is Ragged, and the Native Bear has Strong Arms
A Legend of the Great Flood
How the Stars Were Made: Rolla-Mano and the Evening Star
Why the Crow is Black
Why Flying Foxes Hang from Trees: A Legend of the Striped-Tail Lizard
Why Blackfellows Never Travel Alone: A Legend of the Wallaroo and Willy-Wagtail
How the Kangaroo Got a Long Tail, and the Wombat a Flat Forehead
Why the Emu has Short Wings and the Native Companion a Harsh Voice
How the Sun was Made: Dawn, Noontide and Night
Thugine, the Rainbow and the Wandering Boys
Mirragan, the Fisherman: A Tale of the Wollandilly River, Whambeyan and Jenolan Caves
How Fire was Stolen from the Red-Crested Cockatoo
Why the Fish-Hawk was Driven to the Sea
How the Native Bear Lost His Tail