Sacred Texts
The Euahlayi Tribe
By K. Langloh Parker
This is an effort by K. Langloh Parker to describe in formal terms
her understanding of Euahlayi society.
The resulting ethnography is factual and well written.
Parker was obviously also familiar with the anthropological literature.
She was hardly the detached observer that modern ethnography demands,
however, at that time this methodology had not been invented yet.
This is not necessarily a bad thing.
As Andrew Lang points out in the introduction, she lived in close contact
with aborigines for many years, and as a female she had access to the
women of the tribe, a viewpoint for which we have no other source from that
time period.
Title Page
Chapter I. Introductory
Chapter II. The All Father, Byamee
Chapter III. Relationships And Totems
Chapter IV. The Medicine Men
Chapter V. More About the Medicine Men and Leechcraft
Chapter VI. Our Witch Woman
Chapter VII. Birth--Betrothal--An Aboriginal Girl From Infancy To Womanhood
Chapter VIII. The Training of a Boy up to Boorah Preliminaries
Chapter IX. The Boorah and Other Meetings
Chapter X. Chiefly as to Funerals and Mourning
Chapter XI. Something About Stars And Legends
Chapter XII. The Trapping of Game
Chapter XIII. Foraging and Cooking
Chapter XIV. Costumes and Weapons
Chapter XV. The Amusements of Blacks
Chapter XVI. Bush Bogies and Finis