Sacred Texts
Rig-Veda, Book 4 Index
HYMN XLVIL Vayu. Indra-Vayu.
1. Vayu, the bright is offered thee, best of the meath at holy rites.
Come thou to drink the Soma juice, God, longed-for, on thy team-drawn car.
2 O Vayu, thou and Indra are meet drinkers of these Soma-draughts,
For unto you the drops proceed as waters gather to the vale.
3 O Indra-Vayu, mighty Twain, speeding together, Lords of Strength,
Come to our succour with your team, that ye may drink the Soma juice.
4 The longed-for teams which ye possess, O Heroes, for the worshipper,
Turn to us, Indra-Vayu, ye to whom the sacrifice is paid.
Next: HYMN XLVIII. Vayu.