Sacred Texts
Rig-Veda, Book 5 Index
1. WE crave of Savitar the God this treasure much to be enjoyed.
The best, all-yielding, conquering gift of Bhaga we would gladly win.
2 Savitar's own supremacy, most glorious and beloved of all,
No one diminisheth in aught.
3 For Savitar who is Bhaga shall send riches to his worshipper.
That wondrous portion we implore.
4 Send us this day, God Savitar, prosperity with progeny.
Drive thou the evil dream away.
5 Savitar, God, send far away all sorrows and calamities,
And send us only what is good.
6 Sinless in sight of Aditi through the God Savitar's influence,
May we obtain all lovely things.
7 We with our hymns this day elect the general God, Lord of the good,
Savitar whose decrees are true.
8 He who for ever vigilant precedes these Twain, the Day and Night,
Is Savitar the thoughtful God.
9 He who gives glory unto all these living creatures with the song,
And brings them forth, is Savitar.
Next: HYMN LXXXIII. Parjanya.