Sacred Texts
Rig-Veda, Book 6 Index
HYMN XL. Indra
1. DRINK, Indra; juice is shed to make thee joyful: loose thy Bay Steeds and give thy friends their freedom.
Begin the song, seated in our assembly. Give strength for sacrifice to him who singeth.
2 Drink thou of this whereof at birth, O Indra, thou drankest, Mighty One for power and rapture.
The men, the pressing-stones, the cows, the waters have made this Soma ready for thy drinking.
3 The fire is kindled, Soma pressed, O Indra: let thy Bays, best to draw, convey thee hither.
With mind devoted, Indra, I invoke thee. Come, for our great prosperity approach us.
4 Indra, come hither: evermore thou camest through our great strong desire to drink the Soma.
Listen and hear the prayers which now we offer, and let this sacrifice increase thy vigour.
5 Mayst thou, O Indra, on the day of trial, present or absent, wheresoe'er thou dwellest,
Thence, with thy team, accordant with the Maruts, Song-lover! guard our sacrifice, to help us.
Next: HYMN XLL Indra.