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HYMN LVIII. Manas or Spirit.

1. THY spirit, that went far away to Yama to Vivasvan's Son,
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn here.
2 Thy spirit, that went far away, that passed away to earth and heaven,
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn here.
3 Thy spirit, that went far away, away to the four-cornered earth,
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn here.
4 Thy spirit, that went far away to the four quarters of the world,
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn here.
5 Thy spirit, that went far away, away unto the billowy sea,
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn here.
6 Thy spirit, that went far away to beams of light that flash and flow,
We cause to come to tbee again that thou mayst live and sojourn here.
7 Thy spirit, that went far away, went to the waters and the plants,
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn here.
8 Thy spirit, that went far away, that visited the Sun and Dawn.
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn here.
9 Thy spirit, that went far away, away to lofty mountain heights,
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn here.
10 Thy spirit, that went far away into this All, that lives and moves,
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn here.
11 Thy spirit, that went far away to distant realms beyond our ken,
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn here.
12 Thy spirit, that went far away to all that is and is to be,
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn heie.

Next: HYMN LIX. Nirrti and Others.