Sacred Texts
Rig-Veda, Book 10 Index
1. THIS, even this was my resolve, to win a cow, to win a steed:
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
2 Like violent gusts of wind the draughts that I have drunk have lifted me
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
3 The draughts I drank have borne me up, as fleet-foot horses draw a car:
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
4 The hymn hath reached me, like a cow who lows to meet her darling calf:
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
5 As a wright bends a chariot-seat so round my heart I bend the hymn:
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
6 Not as a mote within the eye count the Five Tribes of men with me:
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
7 The heavens and earth themselves have not grown equal to one half of me
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
8 I in my grandeur have surpassed the heavens and all this spacious earth
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
9 Aha! this spacious earth will I deposit either here or there
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
10 In one short moment will I smite the earth in fury here or there:
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
11 One of my flanks is in the sky; I let the other trail below:
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
12 1, greatest of the Mighty Ones, am lifted to the firmament:
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
13 I seek the worshipper's abode; oblation-bearer to the Gods:
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
Next: HYMN CXX. Indra.