Sacred Texts
Rig-Veda, Book 10 Index
HYMN CLXXXII. Brhaspati.
1. BRHASPATI lead us safely over troubless and turn his evil thought against the sinner;
Repel the curse, and drive away ill-feeling, and give the sacrificer peace and cornfort!
2 May Naratarhsa aid us at Prayaja: blest be our Anuyaja at invokings.
May he repel the curse, and chase ill-feeling, and give the sacrificer peace and comfort.
3 May he whose head is flaming burn the demons, haters of prayer, so that the arrow slay them.
May he repel the curse and chase ill-feeling, and give the sacrificer peace and comfort.
Next: HYMN CLXXXIII. The Sacrificer, Etc.