Sacred Texts
translated by MICHAEL L. RODKINSON
Book 2 (Vols. III and IV)
Tracts Erubin, Shekalim, Rosh Hashana
Tract Erubin
Tract Shekalim
Tract Rosh Hashana
Tract Erubin
Volume III. Title Page
Explanatory Remarks
Introduction to Tract Erubin
Synopsis of Tract Erubin
Chapter I: Size of Erubin
Chapter II: Use of Wells and Gardens on the Sabbath
Chapter III: Location of Erubin and Limits on Sabbath Travel.
Chapter IV: Sabbath Travel
Chapter V: Town Boundaries and Legal Limits
Chapter VI: Erubin of Courts and Partnerships
Chapter VII: Erubin in Courts and Alleys
Chapter VIII: Erubin of Limits, Food Required for Erubin, Erubin of Courts
Chapter IX: Combining of Roofs on Sabbath
Chapter X: Sundry Sabbath Regulations.
Tract Shekalim
Volume IV. Title Page
Explanatory Remarks
Contents of Tract Shekalim
Preface to Tract Shekalim
Tract Shekalim: Synopsis of Subjects
Chapter I.
Chapter II.
Chapter III.
Chapter IV.
Chapter V.
Chapter VI.
Chapter VII.
Chapter VIII.
Tract Rosh Hashana
Tract Rosh Hashana Contents
Introduction to Tract Rosh Hashana (New Year's Day)
Synopsis of Subjects of Tract Rosh Hashana
Chapter I.
Chapter II.
Chapter III.
Chapter IV.