Sacred Texts
Legends and Sagas
Fairy Legends and Traditions
by Thomas Crofton Croker
Dedication to Dowager Lady Chatterton
The Legend of Knocksheogowna
The Legend of Knockfierna
The Legend of Knockgrafton
The Priest
The Young Piper
The Brewery of Egg-Shells
The Changeling
The Two Gossips
The Legend of Bottle Hill
The Confessions of Tom Bourke
Fairies Or No Fairies
The Haunted Cellar
Seeing is Believing
Master and Man
The Field of Boliauns
The Little Shoe
Legends of the Banshee
Legends of the Banshee
The Spirit Horse
Daniel O Rourke
The Crookened Back
The Haunted Castle
Fior Usga
Cormac and Mary
The Legend of Lough Gur
The Enchanted Lake
The Legend of O'Donoghue
The Lady of Gollerus
Flory Cantillon's Funeral
The Lord of Dunkerron
The Wonderful Tune
The Wonderful Tune
Hanlon's Mill
The Death Coach
The Headless Horseman
Diarmid Bawn, The Piper
Teigue of the Lee
Ned Sheehy's Excuse
The Lucky Guest
Dreaming Tim Jarvis
The Legend of Cairn Thierna
The Rock of the Candle
Clough na Cuddy
The Giant's Stairs
Letter from Sir Walter Scott to the author of the Irish Fairy Legends