Sacred Texts
Legends & Sagas
44: The Two Magicians
44.1 THE lady stands in her bower door,
As straight as willow wand;
The blacksmith stood a little forebye,
Wi hammer in his hand.
44.2 Weel may ye dress ye, lady fair,
Into your robes o red;
Before the morn at this same time,
Ill gain your maidenhead.
44.3 Awa, awa, ye coal-black smith,
Woud ye do me the wrang
To think to gain my maidenhead,
That I hae kept sae lang!
44.4 Then she has hadden up her hand,
And she sware by the mold,
I wudna be a blacksmiths wife
For the full o a chest o gold.
44.5 Id rather I were dead and gone,
And my body laid in grave,
Ere a rusty stock o coal-black smith
My maidenhead shoud have.
44.6 But he has hadden up his hand,
And he sware by the mass,
Ill cause ye be my light leman
For the hauf o that and less.
44.6b O bide, lady, bide,
And aye he bade her bide;
The rusty smith your leman shall be,
For a your muckle pride.
44.7 Then she became a turtle dow,
To fly up in the air,
And he became another dow,
And they flew pair and pair.
44.7b O bide, lady, bide, C..
44.8 She turnd hersell into an eel,
To swim into yon burn,
And he became a speckled trout,
To gie the eel a turn.
44.8b O bide, lady, bide, C..
44.9 Then she became a duck, a duck,
To puddle in a peel,
And he became a rose-kaimd drake,
To gie the duck a dreel.
44.9b O bide, lady, bide, C..
44.10 She turnd hersell into a hare,
To rin upon yon hill,
And he became a gude grey-hound,
And boldly he did fill.
44.10b O bide, lady, bide, C..
44.11 Then she became a gay grey mare,
And stood in yonder slack,
And he became a gilt saddle,
And sat upon her back.
44.11b Was she wae, he held her sae,
And still he bade her bide;
The rusty smith her leman was,
For a her muckle pride.
44.12 Then she became a het girdle,
And he became a cake,
And a the ways she turnd hersell,
The blacksmith was her make.
44.12b Was she wae, etc.
44.13 She turnd hersell into a ship,
To sail out ower the flood;
He caed a nail intill her tail,
And syne the ship she stood.
44.13b Was she wae, etc.
44.14 Then she became a silken plaid,
And stretchd upon a bed,
And he became a green covering,
And gaind her maidenhead.
44.14b Was she wae, etc.
Next: 45. King John and the Bishop