Sacred Texts
Legends & Sagas
248A: The Grey Cock, or, Saw You My Father
248A.1 O SAW ye my father? or saw ye my mother?
Or saw ye my true-love John?
I saw not your father, I saw not your mother,
But I saw your true-love John.
248A.2 Its now ten at night, and the stars gie nae light,
And the bells they ring ding, dang;
Hes met wi some delay that causeth him to stay,
But he will be here ere lang.
248A.3 The surly auld earl did naething but snarl,
And Johnys face it grew red;
Yet, tho he often sighd, he neer a word replied
Till all were asleep in bed.
248A.4 Up Johny rose, and to the door he goes,
And gently tirl d the pin;
The lassie taking tent unto the door she went,
And she opend and let him in.
248A.5 And are ye come at last? and do I hold ye fast?
And is my Johny true?
I hae nae time to tell, but sae langs I like mysell
Sae lang will I love you.
248A.6 Flee, flee up, my bonny grey cock,
And craw when it is day;
Your neck shall be like the bonny beaten gold,
And your wings of the silver grey.
248A.7 The cock provd false, and untrue he was,
For he crew an hour oer soon;
The lassie thought it was day when she sent her love away,
And it was but a blink of the moon.
Next: 249. Auld Matrons