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How Sir Beaumains rode after to rescue his dwarf, and came
into the castle where he was.

THEN Sir Beaumains put on his helm anon, and buckled his shield,
and took his horse, and rode after him all that ever he might
ride through marshes, and fields, and great dales, that many
times his horse and he plunged over the head in deep mires, for
he knew not the way, but took the gainest way in that woodness,
that many times he was like to perish.  And at the last him
happened to come to a fair green way, and there he met with a
poor man of the country, whom he saluted and asked him whether he
met not with a knight upon a black horse and all black harness, a
little dwarf sitting behind him with heavy cheer. Sir, said the
poor man, here by me came Sir Gringamore the knight, with such a
dwarf mourning as ye say; and <245>therefore I rede you not
follow him, for he is one of the periloust knights of the world,
and his castle is here nigh hand but two mile; therefore we
advise you ride not after Sir Gringamore, but if ye owe him good

So leave we Sir Beaumains riding toward the castle, and speak we
of Sir Gringamore and the dwarf.  Anon as the dwarf was come to
the castle, Dame Lionesse and Dame Linet her sister, asked the
dwarf where was his master born, and of what lineage he was come. 
And but if thou tell me, said Dame Lionesse, thou shalt never
escape this castle, but ever here to be prisoner.  As for that,
said the dwarf, I fear not greatly to tell his name and of what
kin he is come.  Wit you well he is a king's son, and his mother
is sister to King Arthur, and he is brother to the good knight
Sir Gawaine, and his name is Sir Gareth of Orkney.  And now I
have told you his right name, I pray you, fair lady, let me go to
my lord again, for he will never out of this country until that
he have me again.  And if he be angry he will do much harm or
that he be stint, and work you wrack in this country.  As for
that threatening, said Sir Gringamore, be it as it be may, we
will go to dinner.  And so they washed and went to meat, and made
them merry and well at ease, and because the Lady Lionesse of the
castle was there, they made great joy.  Truly, madam, said Linet
unto her sister, well may he be a king's son, for he hath many
good tatches on him, for he is courteous and mild, and the most
suffering man that ever I met withal.  For I dare say there was
never gentlewoman reviled man in so foul a manner as I have
rebuked him; and at all times he gave me goodly and meek answers

And as they sat thus talking, there came Sir Gareth in at the
gate with an angry countenance, and his sword drawn in his hand,
and cried aloud that all the castle might hear it, saying:  Thou
traitor, Sir Gringamore, deliver me my dwarf again, or by the
faith that I owe to the order of knighthood, I shall do thee all
the harm that I can.  Then Sir Gringamore looked out at a window
and said, Sir <246>Gareth of Orkney, leave thy boasting words,
for thou gettest not thy dwarf again.  Thou coward knight, said
Sir Gareth, bring him with thee, and come and do battle with me,
and win him and take him.  So will I do, said Sir Gringamore, an
me list, but for all thy great words thou gettest him not.  Ah!
fair brother, said Dame Lionesse, I would he had his dwarf again,
for I would he were not wroth, for now he hath told me all my
desire I keep no more of the dwarf.  And also, brother, he hath
done much for me, and delivered me from the Red Knight of the Red
Launds, and therefore, brother, I owe him my service afore all
knights living.  And wit ye well that I love him before all
other, and full fain I would speak with him.  But in nowise I
would that he wist what I were, but that I were another strange

Well, said Sir Gringamore, sithen I know now your will, I will
obey now unto him.  And right therewithal he went down unto Sir
Gareth, and said:  Sir, I cry you mercy, and all that I have
misdone I will amend it at your will.  And therefore I pray you
that ye would alight, and take such cheer as I can make you in
this castle.  Shall I have my dwarf? said Sir Gareth.  Yea, sir,
and all the pleasaunce that I can make you, for as soon as your
dwarf told me what ye were and of what blood ye are come, and
what noble deeds ye have done in these marches, then I repented
of my deeds.  And then Sir Gareth alighted, and there came his
dwarf and took his horse.  O my fellow, said Sir Gareth, I have
had many adventures for thy sake.  And so Sir Gringamore took him
by the hand and led him into the hall where his own wife was.
