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How Sir Bleoberis demanded the fairest lady in King Mark's
court, whom he took away, and how he was fought with.

THEN it befell upon a day that the good knight Bleoberis de
Ganis, brother to Blamore de Ganis, and nigh cousin unto the good
knight Sir Launcelot du Lake, this Bleoberis came unto the court
of King Mark, and there he asked of King Mark a boon, to give him
what gift that he would ask in his court.  When the king heard
him ask so, he marvelled of his asking, but because he was a
knight of the Round Table, and of a great renown, King Mark
granted him his whole asking.  Then, said Sir Bleoberis, I will
have the fairest lady in your court that me list to choose.  I
may not say nay, said King Mark; now choose at your adventure. 
And so Sir Bleoberis did choose Sir Segwarides' wife, and took
her by the hand, and so went his way with her; and so he took his
horse and gart set her behind his squire, and rode upon his way.

When Sir Segwarides heard tell that his lady was gone with a
knight of King Arthur's court, then he armed him and rode after
that knight for to rescue his lady.  So when Bleoberis was gone
with this lady, King Mark and all the court was wroth that she
was away.  Then were there certain ladies that knew that there
were great love between Sir Tristram and her, and also that lady
loved Sir Tristram above all other knights.  Then there was one
lady that rebuked Sir Tristram in the horriblest wise, and called
him coward knight, that he would for shame of his knighthood see
a lady so shamefully be taken away from his uncle's court.  But
she meant that either of them had loved other with entire heart. 
But Sir Tristram <304>answered her thus:  Fair lady, it is not my
part to have ado in such matters while her lord and husband is
present here; and if it had been that her lord had not been here
in this court, then for the worship of this court peradventure I
would have been her champion, and if so be Sir Segwarides speed
not well, it may happen that I will speak with that good knight
or ever he pass from this country.

Then within a while came one of Sir Segwarides' squires, and told
in the court that Sir Segwarides was beaten sore and wounded to
the point of death; as he would have rescued his lady Sir
Bleoberis overthrew him and sore hath wounded him.  Then was King
Mark heavy thereof, and all the court.  When Sir Tristram heard
of this he was ashamed and sore grieved; and then was he soon
armed and on horseback, and Gouvernail, his servant, bare his
shield and spear.  And so as Sir Tristram rode fast he met with
Sir Andred his cousin, that by the commandment of King Mark was
sent to bring forth, an ever it lay in his power, two knights of
Arthur's court, that rode by the country to seek their
adventures.  When Sir Tristram saw Sir Andred he asked him what
tidings.  So God me help, said Sir Andred, there was never worse
with me, for here by the commandment of King Mark I was sent to
fetch two knights of King Arthur's court, and that one beat me
and wounded me, and set nought by my message.  Fair cousin, said
Sir Tristram, ride on your way, and if I may meet them it may
happen I shall revenge you.  So Sir Andred rode into Cornwall,
and Sir Tristram rode after the two knights, the which one hight
Sagramore le Desirous, and the other hight Dodinas le Savage.
