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How Sir Tristram was holpen by his men, and of Queen
Isoud which was put in a lazar-cote, and how Tristram was hurt.

SO when they were departed, Gouvernail, and Sir Lambegus, and Sir
Sentraille de Lushon, that were Sir Tristram's men, sought their
master.  When they heard he was escaped then they were passing
glad; and on the rocks they found him, and with towels they
pulled him up.  And then Sir Tristram asked them where was La
Beale Isoud, for he weened she had been had away of Andred's
people.  Sir, said Gouvernail, she is put in a lazar-cote.  Alas,
said Sir <338>Tristram, this is a full ungoodly place for such a
fair lady, and if I may she shall not be long there.  And so he
took his men and went thereas was La Beale Isoud, and fetched her
away, and brought her into a forest to a fair manor, and Sir
Tristram there abode with her.  So the good knight bade his men
go from him:  For at this time I may not help you.  So they
departed all save Gouvernail.  And so upon a day Sir Tristram
yede into the forest for to disport him, and then it happened
that there he fell sleep; and there came a man that Sir Tristram
aforehand had slain his brother, and when this man had found him
he shot him through the shoulder with an arrow, and Sir Tristram
leapt up and killed that man.  And in the meantime it was told
King Mark how Sir Tristram and La Beale Isoud were in that same
manor, and as soon as ever he might thither he came with many
knights to slay Sir Tristram.  And when he came there he found
him gone; and there he took La Beale Isoud home with him, and
kept her strait that by no means never she might wit nor send
unto Tristram, nor he unto her.  And then when Sir Tristram came
toward the old manor he found the track of many horses, and
thereby he wist his lady was gone.  And then Sir Tristram took
great sorrow, and endured with great pain long time, for the
arrow that he was hurt withal was envenomed.

Then by the mean of La Beale Isoud she told a lady that was
cousin unto Dame Bragwaine, and she came to Sir Tristram, and
told him that he might not be whole by no means.  For thy lady,
La Beale Isoud, may not help thee, therefore she biddeth you
haste into Brittany to King Howel, and there ye shall find his
daughter, Isoud la Blanche Mains, and she shall help thee.  Then
Sir Tristram and Gouvernail gat them shipping, and so sailed into
Brittany.  And when King Howel wist that it was Sir Tristram he
was full glad of him.  Sir, he said, I am come into this country
to have help of your daughter, for it is told me that there is
none other may heal me but she; and so within a while she healed
