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How Sir Tristram soused Dagonet in a well, and how
Palomides sent a damosel to seek Tristram, and how
Palomides met with King Mark.

AND upon a day Dagonet, King Arthur's fool, came into Cornwall
with two squires with him; and as they rode through that forest
they came by a fair well where Sir Tristram was wont to be; and
the weather was hot, and they alighted to drink of that well, and
in the meanwhile their horses brake loose.  Right so Sir Tristram
came unto them, and first he soused Sir Dagonet in that well, and
after his squires, and thereat laughed the shepherds; and
forthwithal he ran after their horses and brought them again one
by one, and right so, wet as they were, he made them leap up and
ride their ways.  Thus Sir Tristram endured there an half year
naked, and would never come in town nor village.  The meanwhile
the damosel that Sir Palomides sent to seek Sir Tristram, she
yede unto Sir Palomides and told him all the mischief <383>that
Sir Tristram endured.  Alas, said Sir Palomides, it is great pity
that ever so noble a knight should be so mischieved for the love
of a lady; but nevertheless, I will go and seek him, and comfort
him an I may.  Then a little before that time La Beale Isoud had
commanded Sir Kehydius out of the country of Cornwall.  So Sir
Kehydius departed with a dolorous heart, and by adventure he met
with Sir Palomides, and they enfellowshipped together; and either
complained to other of their hot love that they loved La Beale
Isoud.  Now let us, said Sir Palomides, seek Sir Tristram, that
loved her as well as we, and let us prove whether we may recover
him.  So they rode into that forest, and three days and three
nights they would never take their lodging, but ever sought Sir

And upon a time, by adventure, they met with King Mark that was
ridden from his men all alone.  When they saw him Sir Palomides
knew him, but Sir Kehydius knew him not.  Ah, false king, said
Sir Palomides, it is pity thou hast thy life, for thou art a
destroyer of all worshipful knights, and by thy mischief and thy
vengeance thou hast destroyed that most noble knight, Sir
Tristram de Liones.  And therefore defend thee, said Sir
Palomides, for thou shalt die this day.  That were shame, said
King Mark, for ye two are armed and I am unarmed.  As for that,
said Sir Palomides, I shall find a remedy therefore; here is a
knight with me, and thou shalt have his harness.  Nay, said King
Mark, I will not have ado with you, for cause have ye none to me;
for all the misease that Sir Tristram hath was for a letter that
he found; for as to me I did to him no displeasure, and God
knoweth I am full sorry for his disease and malady.  So when the
king had thus excused him they were friends, and King Mark would
have had them unto Tintagil; but Sir Palomides would not, but
turned unto the realm of Logris, and Sir Kehydius said that he
would go into Brittany.

Now turn we unto Sir Dagonet again, that when he and his squires
were upon horseback he deemed that the shepherds had sent that
fool to array them so, because  <384>that they laughed at them,
and so they rode unto the keepers of beasts and all to-beat them. 
Sir Tristram saw them beat that were wont to give him meat and
drink, then he ran thither and gat Sir Dagonet by the head, and
gave him such a fall to the earth that he bruised him sore so
that he lay still.  And then he wrast his sword out of his hand,
and therewith he ran to one of his squires and smote off his
head, and the other fled.  And so Sir Tristram took his way with
that sword in his hand, running as he had been wild wood.  Then
Sir Dagonet rode to King Mark and told him how he had sped in
that forest.  And therefore, said Sir Dagonet, beware, King Mark,
that thou come not about that well in the forest, for there is a
fool naked, and that fool and I fool met together, and he had
almost slain me.  Ah, said King Mark, that is Sir Matto le
Breune, that fell out of his wit because he lost his lady; for
when Sir Gaheris smote down Sir Matto and won his lady of him,
never since was he in his mind, and that was pity, for he was a
good knight.