Le Morte d'Arthur BOOK X CHAPTER XI

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How King Mark mocked Sir Dinadan, and how they met
with six knights of the Round Table.

So as they rode by the way King Mark then began to
mock Sir Dinadan, and said:  I weened you knights of
the Table Round might not in no wise find their matches.
Ye say well, said Sir Dinadan; as for you, on my life I
call you none of the best knights; but sith ye have such
a despite at me I require you to joust with me to prove
my strength.  Not so, said King Mark, for I will not
have ado with you in no manner; but I require you of
one thing, that when ye come to Arthur's court discover
not my name, for I am there so hated.  It is shame to
you, said Sir Dinadan, that ye govern you so shamefully;
for I see by you ye are full of cowardice, and ye are a
murderer, and that is the greatest shame that a knight
may have; for never a knight being a murderer hath
worship, nor never shall have; for I saw but late through
my force ye would have slain Sir Berluse, a better knight
than ye, or ever ye shall be, and more of prowess.  Thus
they rode forth talking till they came to a fair place,
where stood a knight, and prayed them to take their
lodging with him.  So at the request of that knight they
reposed them there, and made them well at ease, and had
great cheer.  For all errant-knights were welcome to him,
and specially all those of Arthur's court.  Then Sir
Dinadan demanded his host what was the knight's name
that kept the bridge.  For what cause ask you it? said
the host.  For it is not long ago, said Sir Dinadan, sithen
he gave me a fall.  Ah, fair knight, said his host, thereof
have ye no marvel, for he is a passing good knight, and
his name is Sir Tor, the son of Aries le Vaysher.  Ah,
said Sir Dinadan, was that Sir Tor? for truly so ever me

Right as they stood thus talking together they saw
come riding to them over a plain six knights of the court
of King Arthur, well armed at all points.  And there by
their shields Sir Dinadan knew them well.  The first was
the good knight Sir Uwaine, the son of King Uriens, the
second was the noble knight Sir Brandiles, the third was
Ozana le Cure Hardy, the fourth was Uwaine les Aventurous,
the fifth was Sir Agravaine, the sixth Sir Mordred,
brother to Sir Gawaine.  When Sir Dinadan had seen
these six knights he thought in himself he would bring
King Mark by some wile to joust with one of them.  And
anon they took their horses and ran after these knights
well a three mile English.  Then was King Mark ware
where they sat all six about a well, and ate and drank such
meats as they had, and their horses walking and some tied,
and their shields hung in divers places about them.  Lo,
said Sir Dinadan, yonder are knights-errant that will joust
with us.  God forbid, said King Mark, for they be six
and we but two.  As for that, said Sir Dinadan, let us
not spare, for I will assay the foremost; and therewith he
made him ready.  When King Mark saw him do so, as
fast as Sir Dinadan rode toward them, King Mark rode
froward them with all his menial meiny.  So when Sir
Dinadan saw King Mark was gone, he set the spear out of
the rest, and threw his shield upon his back, and came,
riding to the fellowship of the Table Round.  And anon
Sir Uwaine knew Sir Dinadan, and welcomed him, and so
did all his fellowship.