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How Sir Lamorak visited King Lot's wife, and how Sir
Gaheris slew her which was his own mother.

NOW turn we unto Sir Lamorak, that much was there praised.
Then, by the mean of Sir Gawaine and his brethren, they
sent for their mother there besides, fast by a castle beside
Camelot; and all was to that intent to slay Sir Lamorak.
The Queen of Orkney was there but a while, but Sir
Lamorak wist of their being, and was full fain; and for to
make an end of this matter, he sent unto her, and there
betwixt them was a night assigned that Sir Lamorak should
come to her.  Thereof was ware Sir Gaheris, and there he
rode afore the same night, and waited upon Sir Lamorak,
and then he saw where he came all armed.  And where
Sir Lamorak alighted he tied his horse to a privy postern,
and so he went into a parlour and unarmed him; and
then he went unto the queen's bed, and she made of him
passing great joy, and he of her again, for either loved
other passing sore.  So when the knight, Sir Gaheris, saw
his time, he came to their bedside all armed, with his sword
naked, and suddenly gat his mother by the hair and struck
off her head.

When Sir Lamorak saw the blood dash upon him all
hot, the which he loved passing well, wit you well he was
sore abashed and dismayed of that dolorous knight.  And
therewithal, Sir Lamorak leapt out of the bed in his shirt
as a knight dismayed, saying thus:  Ah, Sir Gaheris, knight
of the Table Round, foul and evil have ye done, and to you
great shame.  Alas, why have ye slain your mother that
bare you? with more right ye should have slain me.  The
offence hast thou done, said Gaheris, notwithstanding a
man is born to offer his service; but yet shouldst thou
beware with whom thou meddlest, for thou hast put me
and my brethren to a shame, and thy father slew our
father; and thou to lie by our mother is too much shame
for us to suffer.  And as for thy father, King Pellinore
my brother Sir Gawaine and I slew him.  Ye did him
the more wrong, said Sir Lamorak, for my father slew
not your father, it was Balin le Savage: and as yet my
father's death is not revenged.  Leave those words, said Sir
Gaheris, for an thou speak feloniously I will slay thee.  But
because thou art naked I am ashamed to slay thee.  But
wit thou well, in what place I may get thee I shall slay
thee; and now my mother is quit of thee; and withdraw
thee and take thine armour, that thou were gone.  Sir
Lamorak saw there was none other bote, but fast armed
him, and took his horse and rode his way making great
sorrow.  But for the shame and dolour he would not ride
to King Arthur's court, but rode another way.

But when it was known that Gaheris had slain his
mother the king was passing wroth, and commanded him
to go out of his court.  Wit ye well Sir Gawaine was
wroth that Gaheris had slain his mother and let Sir Lamorak
escape.  And for this matter was the king passing wroth,
and so was Sir Launcelot, and many other knights.  Sir, said
Sir Launcelot, here is a great mischief befallen by felony,
and by forecast treason, that your sister is thus shamefully
slain.  And I dare say that it was wrought by treason,
and I dare say ye shall lose that good knight, Sir Lamorak
the which is great pity.  I wot well and am sure, an Sir
Tristram wist it, he would never more come within your
court, the which should grieve you much more and all your
knights.  God defend, said the noble King Arthur, that I
should lose Sir Lamorak or Sir Tristram, for then twain
of my chief knights of the Table Round were gone.  Sir,
said Sir Launcelot, I am sure ye shall lose Sir Lamorak, for
Sir Gawaine and his brethren will slay him by one mean or
other; for they among them have concluded and sworn to
slay him an ever they may see their time.  That shall I
let, said Arthur.