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How Sir Bleoberis and Sir Ector reported to Queen Guenever
of the beauty of La Beale Isoud.

SO at the seven nights' end Sir Bleoberis and Sir Ector
departed from Sir Tristram and from the queen; and
these two good knights had great gifts; and Sir Gareth
and Sir Dinadan abode with Sir Tristram.  And when
Sir Bleoberis and Sir Ector were come there as the Queen
Guenever was lodged, in a castle by the seaside, and
through the grace of God the queen was recovered of
her malady, then she asked the two knights from whence
they came.  They said that they came from Sir Tristram
and from La Beale Isoud.  How doth Sir Tristram, said
the queen, and La Beale Isoud?  Truly, said those two
knights, he doth as a noble knight should do; and as
for the Queen Isoud, she is peerless of all ladies; for to
speak of her beauty, bount, and mirth, and of her
goodness, we saw never her match as far as we have ridden
and gone.  O mercy Jesu, said Queen Guenever, so
saith all the people that have seen her and spoken with
her.  God would that I had part of her conditions; and it
is misfortuned me of my sickness while that tournament
endured.  And as I suppose I shall never see in all my
life such an assembly of knights and ladies as ye have

Then the knights told her how Palomides won the
degree at the first day with great noblesse; and the
second day Sir Tristram won the degree; and the third
day Sir Launcelot won the degree.  Well, said Queen
Guenever, who did best all these three days?  So God
me help, said these knights, Sir Launcelot and Sir Tristram
had least dishonour.  And wit ye well Sir Palomides
did passing well and mightily; but he turned against
the party that he came in withal, and that caused him to
lose a great part of his worship, for it seemed that Sir
Palomides is passing envious.  Then shall he never win
worship, said Queen Guenever, for an it happeth an
envious man once to win worship he shall be dishonoured
twice therefore; and for this cause all men of worship
hate an envious man, and will shew him no favour, and
he that is courteous, and kind, and gentle, hath favour
in every place.