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How Sir Ector found Sir Launcelot his brother dead, and
how Constantine reigned next after Arthur; and of the
end of this book

AND when Sir Ector heard such noise and light in the
quire of Joyous Gard, he alighted and put his horse from
him, and came into the quire, and there he saw men sing
and weep.  And all they knew Sir Ector, but he knew
not them.  Then went Sir Bors unto Sir Ector, and told
him how there lay his brother, Sir Launcelot, dead; and
then Sir Ector threw his shield, sword, and helm from
him.  And when he beheld Sir Launcelot's visage, he fell
down in a swoon.  And when he waked it were hard any
tongue to tell the doleful complaints that he made for his
brother.  Ah Launcelot, he said, thou were head of all
Christian knights, and now I dare say, said Sir Ector,
thou Sir Launcelot, there thou liest, that thou were never
matched of earthly knight's hand.  And thou were the
courteoust knight that ever bare shield.  And thou were
the truest friend to thy lover that ever bestrad horse.
And thou were the truest lover of a sinful man that ever
loved woman.  And thou were the kindest man that ever
struck with sword.  And thou were the goodliest person
that ever came among press of knights.  And thou was
the meekest man and the gentlest that ever ate in hall
among ladies.  And thou were the sternest knight to thy
mortal foe that ever put spear in the rest.  Then there
was weeping and dolour out of measure.

Thus they kept Sir Launcelot's corpse aloft fifteen
days, and then they buried it with great devotion.  And
then at leisure they went all with the Bishop of Canterbury
to his hermitage, and there they were together more than
a month.  Then Sir Constantine, that was Sir Cador's
son of Cornwall, was chosen king of England.  And he
was a full noble knight, and worshipfully he ruled this
realm.  And then this King Constantine sent for the
Bishop of Canterbury, for he heard say where he was.
And so he was restored unto his Bishopric, and left that
hermitage.  And Sir Bedivere was there ever still hermit
to his life's end.  Then Sir Bors de Ganis, Sir Ector de
Maris, Sir Gahalantine, Sir Galihud, Sir Galihodin, Sir
Blamore, Sir Bleoberis, Sir Villiars le Valiant, Sir Clarrus
of Clermont, all these knights drew them to their
countries.  Howbeit King Constantine would have had
them with him, but they would not abide in this realm.
And there they all lived in their countries as holy men.
And some English books make mention that they went
never out of England after the death of Sir Launcelot,
but that was but favour of makers.  For the French book
maketh mention, and is authorised, that Sir Bors, Sir
Ector, Sir Blamore, and Sir Bleoberis, went into the Holy
Land thereas Jesu Christ was quick and dead, and anon as
they had stablished their lands.  For the book saith, so
Sir Launcelot commanded them for to do, or ever he passed
out of this world.  And these four knights did many
battles upon the miscreants or Turks.  And there they
died upon a Good Friday for God's sake.