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A Century of UFO Landings (1868-1968)

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Things to beware of in 1997:

Continued 'govermental' pushes to pass legislation to take away what
few rights remain to the American people... Beware such laws which
purport to 'protect' children but only serve to 'control' the
parent!! -- Beware such laws with purport to 'protect' people from
'illegal firearms' but whose true purpose is to keep 'any' firearms
out of the hands of the people so they can NOT resist the coming
oppresion of the 'New World Order'!!


Date: 03-13-97 (10:44)
  To: All
From: Jack P Sargeant
Subj: Ufos                  1/7

 BBS: The Transporter Room
Date: 12-20-94 (21:02)             Number: 232
From: DON ALLEN                    Refer#: NONE
  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO
Subj: Magonia Database - 01/94       Conf: (424) Recr: Ufo
Hi Folks,

Since this file is so large (410K) I will only post in 10 messages-per-post
per installment. Hope you enjoy it.


** Begin Installment 1 **

[Created by Psplit 1.03]                                    [Page 1 of 94]



** Scanned in by Don Allen **

Jul., 1868     Copiago (Chile). A strange "aerial construction"
               bearing lights and making engine noises flew low
               over this town. Local people also described it as a
               giant bird covered with large scales producing a me-
               tallic noise. Although not an actual landing, this is
               the first instance of close observation of an unknown
               object at low altitude in the nineteenth century.
               (Fort 638; Anatomy 11)
Dec. 07, 1872  Banbury (Great Britain). At King's Sutton an object
0100 hours     resembling a haystack flew on an irregular course.
               Sometimes high, sometimes very low it was accom-
               panied by fire and dense smoke. It produced the same
               effect as a tornado, felling trees and walls. It sud-
               denly vanished. (Fort 189)
1880           Aldershot (Great Britain). A strange being dressed in
               tight-fitting clothes and shining helmet soared over
               the heads of two sentries, who fired without result.
               The apparition stunned them with something de-
               scribed as "blue fire." (FSR 61, 3; Magonia)
May. 15, 1879  Persian Gulf. Two very large "wheels" were seen
2140           spinning in the air and slowly coming to the surface
               of the sea. Estimated diameter: 40 m. Distance be-
               tween the objects: 150 m. Speed: 80 km/h/ Duration:
               35 min. Witnesses aboard the ship "Vultur" (Round
               up 17; Anatomy 12)

1880           Eastern Venezuela. A 14-year-old boy saw a luminous
               ball descending from the sky and hovering near him.
               He felt somehow "drawn" to it, but succeeded in
               backing away in spite of his terror. (Lor. III 2O6)
Mar. 26, 1880  Lamy (New Mexico). Four men walking near Galis-
evening        teo Junction were surprised as they heard voices com-
               ing from a "strange balloon," which flew over them.
               It was shaped like a fish and seemed to be guided by
               a large fanlike device. There were eight to ten figures
               aboard. Their language was not understood. The ob-
               ject flew low over Galisteo Junction and rose rapidly
               toward the east. (FSR 65, 3)
Jun. 11, 1881  Between Melbourne and Sydney at sea (Australia).
0400           The two sons of the Prince of Wales, one of them
               the future king of England, were cruising aboard "La
               Bacchante" when an object resembling a fully lighted
               ship was seen ("a phantom vessel all aglow"). (Fort
               637; Anatomy 12)
Nov. 02, 1885  Scutari (Turkey). A luminous object circled the har-
dawn           bor. Altitude: 5-6 m. Illuminated the whole town.
               Duration: 1 1/2 min, as a bluish-green flame. Then
               plunged into the sea. Made several circles above the
               ferry-boat pier. (LDLN 48; Anatomy 14)
Nov. 12, 1887  Cape Race (Atlantic Ocean). A huge sphere of fire
2400           was observed rising out of the ocean by witnesses
               aboard the "Siberian" It rose to an altitude of 16 m,
               flew against the wind, and came close to the ship,
               then "dashed oft" toward the southeast. Duration:
               5 min. (LDLN 48; Anatomy 14)
1896           Arolla, near Zermatt (Swiss Alps). Author Aleister
               Crowley was walking in the mountains when he sud-
               denly saw two little men. He made a gesture to them,
               but they did not seem to pay attention and disap-
               peared among the rocks. (Magic Without Tears, by
               A. Crowley)

Mar. 26, 1897  Sioux City (Iowa). Approximate date. Robert Hib-
night          bard was caught by an anchor dropped from an un-
               known flying machine 22 km north of the town. He
               was dragged over 10 m and fell as his clothes were
               torn. (FSR 66, 4)
Mar. 28, 1897  Omaha (Nebraska). The majority of the population
2230           observed an object arriving from the southeast. It
               looked like a huge light, flew northwestward slowly,
               came to low altitude. A crowd gathered at a street
               corner to watch it. (185)
Apr. 01, 1897  Everest (Kansas). The whole town saw an object fly
2100           under the cloud ceiling. It came down slowly, then
               flew away very fast to the southeast. When directly
               over the town it swept the ground with its powerful
               light. It was seen to rise up at fantastic speed until
               barely discernible, then to come down again and
               sweep low over the witnesses. At one point it re-
               mained stationary for 5 min at the edge of a low
               cloud, which it illuminated. All could clearly see the
               silhouette of the craft. (FSR 66, 4)
Apr. 12, 1897  Nilwood (Illinois). On the property of Z. Thacker, 19
1430           km north of Carlinville, an unknown object landed.
               Before the three witnesses could reach it, the craft,
               which was shaped like a cigar with a dome, rose slowly
               and left majestically toward the north. Witnesses:
               Edward Teeples, William Street and Franklin Met-
               calf. (186; Anatomy 12)

Apr. 12, 1897  Girard, near Green Ridge (Illinois). A large crowd of
1800           miners saw an unknown object land 3 km north of
               Green Ridge and 4 km south of Girard. The night
               operator of the Chicago-and-Alton Railroad, Paul Mc-
               Cramer, stated that he came sufficiently close to the
               craft to see a man emerge from it to repair the ma-
               chinery. Traces were found over a large area. The
               object itself was elongated like a ship with a roof and
               a double canopy. It left toward the north. (186,187)
Apr. 14, 1897  Gas City (Indiana). An object landed 2 km south of
1500           Gas City on the property of John Roush, terrifying
               the farmers and causing the horses and cattle to
               stampede. Six occupants of the ship came out and
               seemed to make some repairs. Before the crowd could
               approach the object, it rose rapidly and flew toward
               the east. (188)
Apr. 14, 1897  Cleveland (Ohio). Joseph Singler, captain of the
               "Sea Wing," was fishing with S. H. Davis, of Detroit,
               when they saw on the lake what they thought was a
               ship, about 13 m long, with a canopy. A man, about
               25 years old, wearing a hunting jacket and a cap, was
               fishing from the deck of the object. Near him were a
               woman and a 10-year old child. When the "Sea
               Wing" came close to the craft, a large, colored bal-
               loon rose from the object, which flew up with it to an
               altitude of about 150 m and circled "like a hawk"
               before flying away. (189)
Apr. 15, 1897  Linn Grove (Iowa). A large object was seen to fly
morning        slowly toward the north. It seemed ready to land and
               five men (F. G. Ellis, James Evans, David Evans, Joe
               Croaskey, Benjamin Buland) drove toward it. About
               7 km north of Linn Grove, they found the craft on
               the ground, came within 700 m of it but it "spread
               its four giant wings and rose towards the North." Two
               strange figures aboard the craft made efforts to con-
               ceal themselves. Witnesses were surprised at the
               length of their hair. Most residents of Linn Grove
               saw the craft in flight. (190)
Apr. 15, 1897  Howard-Artesian (South Dakota). A flying object
nightfall      coming closer and closer to the ground followed a
               train, as reported by the engineer, Joe Wright (FSR

Apr. 15, 1897  Perry Springs (Missouri). A passenger train on the
2100           Wabash line, going toward Quincy, was followed by
               a low-flying object for 15 min between Perry Springs
               and Hersman. All the passengers saw the craft, which
               had a red and white light. After Hersman it flew ahead
               of the train and disappeared rapidly, although the
               train was then running at 65 km/h. (190)
Apr. 15, 1897  Springfield (Illinois). Two farm workers, Adolph
               Winkle and John Hulle, saw a strange craft in a field.
               They had a discussion with its occupants, a woman
               and two men, and were told the ship-had flown from
               Quincy to Springfield in 30 min and that the crew.
               was making electrical repairs. (FSR 65,1)
Apr. 16, 1897  Downs Township (Illinois). Approximate date. While
               working in his field, Haney Savidge saw an aerial
               craft land near him. Six people emerged from it and
               spoke to him for a few minutes before leaving again.

Apr. 17, 1897  Williamston (Michigan). At least a dozen farmers
morning        saw an object maneuver in the sky for an hour before
               it landed. A strange man near 3 m tall, almost naked
               and suffering from the heat, was the pilot of the
               craft. "His talk, while musical, seemed to be a repeti-
               tion of bellowings." One farmer went near him and
               received a blow that broke his hip. (196)
Apr. 19, 1897  Leroy (Kansas). Alexander Hamilton was awakened
2230           by a noise among the cattle and went out with his
               son and his tenant. They saw an elongated cigar-
               shaped object, about 100 m long with a transparent
               cabin underneath showing narrow reddish bands,
               hovering 10 m above ground. They approached within
               50 m of it. It was illuminated and equipped with a
               searchlight. Inside it were "six of the strangest be-
               ings" the witness had seen, also described as "hid-
               eous." They spoke a language no witness could
               understand. A cow was dragged away by the object
               with the help of a strong red cable; it was found
               butchered in a field the next day. (Anatomy 16; Ma-
Apr. 20, 1897  Homan (Arkansas). Capt. James Hooton was hunt-
1800           ing in the vicinity of Homan when he heard the noise
               of a steam engine and found an object in a clearing.
               It looked like a cylinder with pointed ends, lateral
               wheels, and horizontal blade over it. Hooton spoke
               with a man who wore dark glasses and walked behind
               the craft. There were three or four occupants. The
               witness was told this was indeed "The Airship" and
               that it used compressed air for propulsion. Hooton
               saw the wheels spin as the craft rose and flew away.
               (FSR 66, 4; Magonia)
Apr. 22, 1897  Rockland (Texas). John M. Barclay was intrigued
               when his dog barked furiously and a high-pitched
               noise was heard. He went out, saw a flying object
               circling 5 m above ground. Elongated with protru-
               sions and blinding lights, it went dark when it landed.
               Barclay was met by a man who told him his purpose
               was peaceful and requested some common hardware
               items to repair the craft. He paid with a ten-dollar bill
               and took off "like a bullet out of a gun."  (192;
Apr. 22, 1897  Josserand (Texas). Frank Nichols, who lived 3 km
2400           east of Josserand and was one of its most respected
               citizens, was awakened by a machine noise. Looking
               outside, he saw a heavy, lighted object land in his
               wheat field. He walked toward it, was stopped by two
               men who asked permission to draw water from his
               well. He then had a discussion with a half-dozen men,
               the crew of the strange machine. He was told how it
               worked but could not follow the explanation. (193;
Apr. 23, 1897  McKinney Bayou (Arkansas). Judge Lawrence A.
               Byrne of Texarkana, Arkansas, was surveying a tract
               of land when he saw a peculiar object anchored on
               the ground. "It was manned by three men who spoke
               a foreign language, but judging from their looks one
               would take them to be Japs." (Farish, in Allende
               Letters (Award Special, 1968) )
Apr. 25, 1897  Merkel (Texas). People returning from church ob-
evening        served a heavy object being dragged along the ground
               by a rope attached to a flying craft. The rope got
               caught in a railroad track. The craft was too high for
               its structure to be visible but protrusions and a light
               could be distinguished. After about 10 min a man
               came down along the rope cut the end free, and went
               back aboard the craft, which flew away toward the
               northeast. The man was small and dressed in a light-
               blue uniform. (194; Magonia)

Apr. 26, 1897  Aquila-Hillsboro (Texas). Approximate date. A law-
               yer was surprised to see a lighted object fly over. His
               horse was scared and nearly toppled the carriage.
               When the main light was turned off, a number of
               smaller lights became visible on the underside of the
               dark object, which supported an elongated canopy.
               It went down toward a hill to the south, 5 km from
               Aquila. When the witness was on his way back one
               hour later he saw the object rising. It reached the
               altitude of the cloud ceiling and flew to the northeast
               at a fantastic speed with periodic flashes of light. (195)
May. 06, 1897  Hot Springs (Arkansas). Two policemen, Sumpter
               and McLenore, were riding northwest of Hot Springs
               when they saw a bright light in the sky. About 7 km
               farther they saw the light again coming down to the
               ground. One km farther the horses refused to walk.
               Two men were seen carrying lights. The lawmen took
               their rifles, called the strangers, and were told that
               they crossed the country with a flying craft. The sil-
               houette of the machine, about 2O m long, could be
               seen in the clearing. There was a woman with an um-
               brella nearby. It was raining, and the younger of the
               men was filling a large container with water. The elder
               man had a beard and suggested that the policemen
               fly with them "to a place where it does not rain." The
               same witness went back through the same spot 40
               min later and found nothing. (FSR 66, 4; Magonia)
Oct. 28, 1902  Gulf of Guinea. Three persons aboard the "Fort Salis-
0305           bury," including Second Officer A. H. Raymer, saw a
               huge, dark object bearing lights in the sea ahead. It
               was observed sinking slowly. Estimated length: 200
               m. (Fort 641; Anatomy 20)
1904           Rolling Prairie (Indiana). Tom Darby, with his
               brother and mother, saw two whitish-blue objects
               about 400 m away, from a point situated 3 km north
               of Rolling Prairie. The objects hovered 2 or 3 m above
               ground, flew toward a barn, came closer to each other,
               and were hidden from view by a hill. (Hartle 164)

1908           Coast of Delaware. The English ship "Mohican,"
               piloted by Capt. Urghart, was going to Philadelphia
               when it was surrounded by a thick, luminous cloud
               which "magnetized" everything on board. The com-
               pass was observed to swing wildly. When seamen tried
               to move some chains on the bridge, they found that
               they were glued to the metal floor. Suddenly the cloud
               rose and was seen above the sea for some time. (197)
Jun. 30, 1908  Podkamennaia Toungouska (USSR). Unexplained
               explosion in the taiga, equivalent to a thermonuclear
               blast, sometimes interpreted as the crash of an inter-
               stellar vehicle. (Anatomy 18; Challenge 99)
May. 18, 1909  Caerphilly (Wales). Mr. Lethbridge was walking
2300           along a road near the mountains when he saw on the
               grass a large tubelike machine. Aboard were two men
               wearing furs and talking excitedly in a language the
               witness could not understand. The grass was found
               depressed at the site after the object had flown off.
               (198; Anatomy 21)
Jun. 16, 1909  Donghoi (Annam). An elongated object following a
0410           west to east trajectory flew over the town. It gave off
               a strong light and was seen by two fishermen to
               plunge into the sea 6 km away from the coast, after a
               steady flight of about 9 min. (Anatomy 21)
Jan. 1910      Invercargill (New Zealand). Several witnesses -
2300           among them the vicar, the Mayor, and a policeman
               -saw a cigar-shaped object hovering at 30 m alti-
               tude. A man appeared at a lateral door and was heard
               shouting some words in an unknown language. The
               opening closed, and the object accelerated and was
               lost to sight. (Stuart 24)
Jun., 1914     Hamburg (Germany). Gustav Herwagen opened the
0400           door of his house and saw in a field a shining cigar-
               shaped object with illuminated windows. Near it were
               four or five dwarfs 1.20 m tall, clad in light clothing.
               He approached them, but they went aboard the ob-
               ject as soon as they appeared to be aware of his pres-
               ence. A door closed, and the craft took off silently,
               climbing vertically. (Nachrichten April, 62)
Aug., 1914     Georgian Bay (Canada). William J. Kiehl and seven
               other persons saw a spherical craft on the surface of
               the water. On its deck were two small men wearing
               green-purple clothes. They seemed to be busy with a
               hose, plunging it into the water. On the opposite side
               were three men dressed in light brown, wearing square
               masks down to their shoulders. Seeing the witnesses,
               they reentered the craft except for one dwarf, wearing
               shoes with a curved, pointed tip, who remained out-
               side while the craft rose 3 m above the water and shot
               upward, leaving a short trail. (199)

Aug. 21, 1915  Gallipoli (Turkey). During severe fighting in the
               Dardanelles a peculiar cloud engulfed a British regi-
               ment which was never seen again. This was observed
               by 22 men of the First Field Company, NZ Army
               Corps and stated in an affidavit. (Spaceview 45;
               LDLN 82; Magonia)
Oct., 1917     Youngstown (Pennsylvania). John Boback, 17, was
               walking along the railroad tracks between Youngs-
               town and Mt. Braddock when he saw a saucer-shaped
               object with a platform and rows of lights, sitting in a
               field 30 m to his left. He watched the object for 1-2
               min until it took off with a high-pitched sound, rising
               gradually like a slow plane. Its size was that of an
               average car. The top of the object was a dome with
               elongated windows through which figures could be
               seen. (Hartle 157)
1921           Marseilles (France). Undocumented report of an
               "abduction" by two beings. (Quincy)

Feb. 22, 1922  Hubbell (Nebraska). William C. Lamb was follow-
0500           ing strange tracks when he heard a high-pitched sound
               and saw a circular object intercepting starlight. It
               became brilliantly lighted and landed in a hollow.
               Soon afterword, a creature over 2.4 m tall was seen
               flying from the direction where the object had landed.
               It left tracks in the snow, which Lamb followed with-
               out results. (Anatomy 22)
Sep. 09, 1922  Barmouth (Wales). John Morris and William James
               saw an object fall into the ocean so slowly that it was
               thought to be a plane. A boat was sent out, but
               nothing was found. (Fort 639)

Jun. 12, 1929  Fermeneuve (Canada). Levis Brosseau, 2O was re-
2300           turning home when he saw a dark object with a yellow
               light and his horse became very nervous. Within 6 m
               of the object four or five dwarfish figures were running
               back and forth. He heard their pointed, childlike
               voices, then saw the dark object take off with a ma-
               chinelike sound and a rush of air. Estimated size of
               object: 15 m diameter, 5 m high. (GEPA Dec., 68)
Jul., 1929     Robsart (Canada). Five persons among them Einar
               Rostivold, saw a huge ball of light giving off fiery
               colors, 25 km from Robsart. It landed slowly, van-
               ished gradually after illuminating the whole country-
               side for 30 min. (Fate Jan., 58)
Summer, 1933   Chrysville (Pennsylvania). A man observed a faint
Morning        violet light in a field between this town and Morres-
               town. Walking to it, he found an ovoid object 3 m in
               diameter and 2 m thick with a circular opening similar
               to a vault door. Pushing it, he found the room full of
               violet light and observed many instruments, no oc-
               cupant. Smell of ammonia. (APRO Jul., 64)
Fall, 1938     (or following year) Juminda (Estonian coast). Two
               persons saw a strange "frog-man" 1 m tall with a
               round head, no neck, and a hump in front of the body.
               The mouth was a large, straight slit, the eyes were like
               smaller slits. The skin was brown-green, compared to
               pegamoid, hands normal. The creature walked in a
               peculiar "but elegant" fashion, the head waving up
               and down while the legs moved "carefully." When
               pursued, the creature accelerated very fast, with feet
               "fluttering." About 100 m away it vanished com-
               pletely'. (Personal)
Sep., 1943     Oncativo (Argentina). Navarro Ocampo, driving be-
0400           tween Rosario and Cordoba, saw a large, saucer-shaped
               object on the ground 500 m to the left of the road. It
               glowed with a bluish-green light, made a whistling
               sound, rose to 100 m altitude, then left at fantastic
               speed. A strange metal block is said to have been
               found at the spot. (GEPA Dec., 68)
End Aug., 1944
               Mattoon (Illinois). A mysterious man appeared at
               windows, as if in search of someone. He stunned wit-
               nesses by pointing at them a device that "made con-
               sciousness dissolve" and left a strange cloying smell
               behind (FSR 61, 3; Magonia)
1945           Habbebishopsheim (Germany). An American soldier
               saw a disk-shaped object come down rapidly, oscillate,
               and land. The site could not be found in the dark.
               The event took place 35 km northwest of the town.
Mar., 1945     Belfast (Maine). A man out hunting observed an
               elongated object flying very slowly, tilted toward the
               earth. It crashed into some trees at the end of a clear-
               ing. The enormous craft seemed undamaged as it
               rested briefly on the ground, then lifted again with a
               humming sound, started to spin, released a shower
               of fine silvery threads, and rose straight up, disap-
               pearing in seconds. (FS May., 59)

Mar., 1945     Aleutian Islands. Aboard the US attack transport
               "Delarof," 14 sailors saw a dark sphere rise out of the
               ocean, follow a curved trajectory, and fly away after
               circling their ship. (Evidence 30)

Jun. 10, 1947  Douglas (Arizona). Coral Lorenzen saw a light rise
2300           from the ground in Mexican territory. It took a defin-
               ite spherical shape and vanished in less than ten sec-
               onds among the stars. (Lor. I 4)

Jun. 21, 1947  Maury Island, near Tacoma (Washington). Harold
               A. Dahl and others allegedly saw six tire-shaped ob-
               jects, 30 m in diameter, metallic with dark openings,
               over Puget Sound. One of the objects exploded,
               showering the witnesses with metal. Officially re-
               garded as hoax. (Ruppelt)
Jun. 21, 1947  Spokane (Washington). Eight disk-shaped objects
1150           the size of a house, were seen flying at 1000 km/h. A
               civilian woman stated that the objects fell with a dead-
               leaf motion and landed before ten witnesses on the
               shore of the Saint Joe River, in Idaho. (Atic)

Jun. 17, 1947  Bisbee (Arizona). John A. Petsche, electrical worker
1030           and another witness independently saw a disk-shaped
               object, which seemed to land near Tintown. (Lor. I 6)

Jun. 30, 1947  Grand Canyon, near Williams Field (Arizona). A
0910           Navy lieutenant was flying at 9000 m toward the
               south when he saw two circular objects diving at "un-
               conceivable" speed. They were gray, about 3 m in
               diameter, and appeared to land 40 km south of the
               Grand Canyon. (Atic)
Jul. 08, 1947  Muroc Air Field (California). An Air Force major
1200           observed a metallic object, reflecting sunlight oscil-
               late, go down to ground level, and rise again. Simul-
               taneously it was observed by a captain in Rodgers Dry
               Lake. (Atic)
Jul. 23, 1947  Bauru, near Pitanga (Brazil). A group of survey
               workers ran away as they heard a hissing noise and
               saw a disk land 50 m away. Jose C. Higgins saw two
               figures through, a window. Later three beings in shiny
               clothes and translucent suits, with oversized bald
               heads, huge round eyes, no eyelashes or eyebrows, and
               a metal box on their back, emerged from the craft.
               They were over 2 m. tall. They drew the solar system
               and pointed to Uranus as if to suggest that was their
               point of origin. (Round-up 163; FSR 61, 6)

Aug. 13, 1947  Twin Falls, Smoke River Canyon (Idaho). Two boys
1300           and their father saw a sky-blue object 100 m away and
               25 m above ground. Treetops under it were spinning
               wildly, although the object itself did not spin. It made
               a swishing sound. Shape: inverted plate, 7 m diameter
               and 3.5 m thick. There was a red flame on one side of
               the top. (Atic)

Aug. 14, 1947  Raveo (Italy). R. L. Johannis saw a disk on the ground
0900           and two dwarfs less than 1 m tall, wearing dark blue
               coveralls with red collars and belts. They had over-
               sized heads, greenish faces, huge, salient dark eyes
               without eyelashes or eyebrows, but surrounded by a
               ringlike muscle. They wore something similar to crash
               helmets. The center of their belts projected a "vapor,"
               and the witness suffocated, feeling a strong electrical
               discharge. The creature had greenish hands with
               eight talonlike fingers. (Humanoids 2; Magonia; FRS
               67, 1)
1948           Swastika (Canada). Mr. Galbraith twice saw an ob-
               ject land. The first time, it was a disk-shaped craft
               with a humanoid figure-the second time, cigar
               shape with three figures. (Quincy)
Jul. 29, 1948  Indianapolis (Indiana). An object swept over a road
               at 10 m altitude. (Atic)

Aug. 11, 1948  Hamel (Minnesota). Two boys were playing outside
1200           when a round dull gray object 70 cm in diameter, 30
               cm thick, landed near them like a balloon with a
               metallic noise. It spun, went up, hovered, maneuvered
               to avoid telephone lines and trees, and flew away to
               the northeast. An FBI man from St. Paul found an
               area 70 cm in diameter where the ground showed signs
               of extreme pressure. (Atic)

Aug. 29, 1948  Maplewood (Ohio). A farmer observed a silvery
0503           sphere of large dimension rise from a wooded area and
               hover above his farm, dropping a silvery substance
               that disintegrated before touching the ground. (Atic)

Feb., 1949     Pucusana (Peru). C. A. V. an oil company employee,
1630           30, was driving to Lima when he saw a shiny disk at
               ground level. He walked toward it for 10 min. Three
               figures came out as he was 20 m away. They looked
               like mummies, had joined legs and one large foot.
               They "slid" along the ground. They were covered
               with a strange "towely" skin, asked the witness where
               they were, had a lengthy discussion with him, and
               took him for a trip in their craft. (Lor. III 122)

Feb. 17, 1949  France (exact location unknown). Alain Berard saw
night          a large, bright object land near his farm with a green
               lightning flash. It became dark. As he approached the
               craft, the witness saw three figures with stocky short
               legs, apparently without heads. Frightened, he fired
               at them three times. A moment later the object took
               off vertically. (Oltre il Cielo, Vol. I)
Aug. 19, 1949  Death Valley (California). Two prospectors are said
               to have observed a disk-shaped object land. Two
               dwarfs emerged but were lost in the sand dunes when
               pursued. The object disappeared. (Humanoids 52)
Fall, 1949     Tulsa (Oklahoma). Don Bushnell, plant superin-
               tendent with Southwestern Porcelain Steel Corp., saw
               an object fall in front of his car as his radio was
               blocked. He applied the brakes; object vanished.
Jan. 29, 1950  South Table Mountain (Colorado). Mr. Quintana
               of Denver saw a silvery-green ovoid object hovering
               about 15 m above a slope and landing slowly in a
               small ravine. Then it shot upward at very high speed.
               Its diameter was about 20 m, and it had a revolving
               middle band. A greenish light flashed under it, and
               the witness felt a rush of air and a pungent smell.
               (FS Jul., 59)

Mar. 18, 1950  Lago Argentino (Argentina). A rancher, Wilfredo H.
1830           Arevalo, saw two objects, one of which landed. He
               walked within 150 m of the aluminum-looking craft
               which gave off a greenish-blue vapor and "an intense
               smell of burning benzine." A large, flat section on
               top was revolving above a glass cabin in which could
               be seen four tall men, dressed in something like
               cellophane, working at various instruments. They saw
               him and shone a light in his direction while a blue
               light illuminated the craft; the vapor increased and
               flames (alternately reddish and greenish) shot out of
               the base while the object rose with a faint hum. Both
               craft flew away toward Chile, leaving bluish trails.
               (Humanoids 32)

Apr., 1950     Juneau (Alaska). Mikel Konrad made a movie of
               eight disks he saw landing and taking off 60 km north
               of Juneau. (Quincy)

Apr. 08, 1950  Kokomo (Indiana). A metal worker was awakened
0200           by his dog and observed an object 60 m away at low
               altitude. It was a gray metal disk, 5 m in diameter,
               shaped like a top with a kind of turret. It was oscil-
               lating, spinning slowly, and had three portholes shin-
               ing with a blue-white light. It hovered for about 2
               min, left toward the north, very fast. (Atic)
Apr. 08, 1950  River Road near Amarillo (Texas). David, 12, and
afternoon      Charles, 9, Lightfoot saw a disk land behind a hill
               and touched it. It was the size of a car tire, about 30
               cm high, with a rounded top that rotated and a pivot
               between the base and the top. It took off very fast.
               The faces and arms of the boys later became red.

Apr. 20, 1950  Lufkin (Texas). Jack Robertson was driviug about
night          13 km west of town when he saw a round object about
               3 m in diameter hovering about 7 m above him with
               a dull red glow. It took off with a "swooshing roar"
               as sparks flew from a slot under it. Minutes later the
               witness feIt a burning sensation on his face. (FS
               Jul., 59)
Apr. 24, 1950  Abbiate Guazzone (Italy). Bruno Facchini heard and
2200           saw sparks coming from a dark, hovering object, near
               which a man dressed in tight-fitting clothes and wear-
               ing a helmet seemed to be making repairs. Three
               other men were seen near the craft. When the work
               was finished, a trap through which light had been
               shining was closed and the thing took off. The witness
               had the time to note many details of the machine and
               its occupants. (FSR 63, 2; Magonia)
May. 07, 1950  Ely (Nevada). A couple and their grandson were re-
1845           turning from a picnic when, about 14 km south of
               Ely, they saw a silvery-white object at treetop level.
               It hovered for 10 min, then oscillated "as if attempt-
               ing to rise" and suddenly flew out of sight at high
               speed. (Atic)
Jul. 02, 1950  Steep Rock Lake (Canada). In a story strangely sim-
               ilar to that of Mr. Kiehl (Aug., 1914) (Case 40) a
               man and his wife saw a double saucer with portholes
               and a rotating antenna come to rest on the surface of
               the lake. Ten figures, 1.20 m tall, dressed in shiny
               clothing, emerged and walked on deck like robots
               "changing direction without turning their bodies."
               Their faces could not be seen. One of them wore a
               red cap, had darker arms and legs and "seemed to be
               their chief." They immersed a hose in the lake, then
               took off. Fishermen later reported a green moss form-
               ing on the lake. (Wilkins U)

Jul. 20, 1950  Porto Novo (Brazil). Mr. Campello and several
               others in a car saw two large, silvery objects by the
               side of the road, one on a hillock, the other on flat
               ground, about 50 m away from each other. They came
               within 600 m of the objects, which went away at "an
               incredible speed," causing a rush of air that rocked
               the car. (SBEDV 30)
Jun. 19, 1951  Sonderborg (Denmark). Joseph Matiszewski, a me-
1200           chanic, heard a whistling sound and saw an object
               land in a meadow. Approaching within 50 m, he
               found himself paralyzed and observed that birds had
               stopped singing and cows seemed to be similarly un-
               able to move. From the object emerged four hand-
               some men who had brown skin and wore black shiny
               suits and translucent helmets. Eight objects also
               emerged from the craft and hovered above it. Other
               men inside the craft and on its deck appeared to be
               making repairs, then the objects flew to about 100 m
               altitude and climbed rapidly out of sight. Only then
               did the paralysis subside. (Nachrichten May., 59)

Sep. , 1951    Central Australia. A group of Unmatjera aborigines
               observed a shiny circular object land near a similar
               craft, about 12 m in diameter. Several min later, a
               dwarf dressed in a shiny suit and having "a round,
               shiny head" came out of one craft and entered the
               other; both took off with a buzzing sound. (Edwards
Oct. 26, 1951  Australia. The driver of a transcontinental train on
0400           the east-west line saw an object that illuminated the
               countryside like the full moon. It flew very fast, came
               close to the train, appeared ready to land in the
               desert, then took off and disappeared. (Wilkins A

Nov. 2, 1951   Mojave (California). Two forest observers were in a
2300           canyon 50 km north of the Mojave when they saw a
               disk-shaped flying object in the southwest; 10 m esti-
               mated diameter, 3 m thick, blue-green, well-defined,
               surrounded with a glow of same color. Stopping their
               jeep, they signaled to the object, which approached
               within a few meters, flew away, seemed to play with
               them. Eventually it vanished "like a magician's
               trick." (Atic)
Dec., 1951     Peru (Nebraska). A man from Lincoln was driving to
0300           Indiana when he saw a blue light in the northwest
               sky. It vanished to the southeast. The witness missed
               a turn, had to go back toward Auburn, and had
               reached a point northwest of Peru when he saw an
               orange glow in the sky. Coming near, he observed
               the glow came from a cauldron-shaped object on the
               ground, about 12 m from the road. He stopped to
               examine the object, which measured about 10 m
               diameter and seemed to be made of cast iron. Thirty
               cm from the top was a row of windows, 25 cm in
               diameter, from which the orange light was coming.
               On the other side was a blue flamelike glow. There
               was no noise, no sign of life or activity, and no an-
               tenna or protrusion. The witness drove away. (Atic)

Dec., 1951     Red Springs (North Carolina). Sam Coley and his
               two children saw an object with a human-looking
               occupant. (Humanoids 52)
Jan., 1952     Weston (Wyoming). A 38-year-old rancher saw a
2230           "shooting star" that suddenly stopped in mid-air be-
               tween him and a mountain. It was seen spinning in a
               clockwise direction. It had one red window period-
               ially facing the observer. It went down toward the
               Little Powder River and came up again. The witness
               turned his car to send light signals, to which the object
               seemed to respond by stopping its red window facing
               the witness's location. Spinning resumed, the object
               rose and came down. A similar craft arrived and both
               went into the deep valley, out of sight. (Atic)

Early 1952     Goose Bay (Labrador). A fiery, spherical object made
2242           a right-angle turn during an observation by a C-54
               crew flying from Westover to Goose Bay. It was also
               seen from the ground by the control tower and by two
               men who plunged to the earth when the object made
               a low pass at them. It went away at 2247. (Quincy)

Summer, 1952   Itenhaem (Brazil). A woman was awakened by a
0300           thunderclap and a strong bluish light. As she got out,
               she saw a large number of hovering disk-shaped ma-
               chines resembling "inverted soup plates" 200 m away
               at an altitude of about 1 m. She observed them for
               30 min, saw two figures standing on one of the craft
               and looking at the sky. They went back inside, and
               shortly thereafter the "fleet" took off, one object at a
               time. (FSR 68,1)
Summer, 1952   Martin County (Texas). Mrs. Rogers saw an object
               descend slowly and pass across a pasture at 7 m alti-
               tude. She stopped her car and observed it was "wob-
               bling" in mid-air, was shaped like a turtle, and showed
               three oarlike protrusions that moved slowly. Esti-
               mated dimensions:  5 by 4 m, 1 m thick. It was
               greenish-gray in color, emitted a blue flame, but
               showed no other light. (Barker 78)
Jun. 15, 1952  Magneville (France). Men at work in the forest saw
               large, circular objects similar to parachutes coming
               down. Half a dozen witnesses. (France-Soir Jun. 18,
Jul. 11, 1952  Hasselbach (Germany). Oscar Linke, former Wehr-
               macht major, and his daughter Gabrielle, 11, had to
               leave their motorcycle when they had a flat tire. In-
               side the woods the girl noticed two men in silvery
               suits examining the ground in a clearing near a pink
               disk-shaped object, 8 m in diameter, showing a double
               row of openings around the rim and a black turret on
               top. One of the men had a flashing box. Both men
               went inside, and the disk vibrated, rose along the
               turretlike cylinder, then spun faster and rose out of
               sight. (Guieu 52)

Jul. 20, 1952  Dai-el-Aouagri (Morocco). Approximate date. R.
0030           Petijean saw a luminous object, 20 m diameter, on the
               ground. It gave off bluish flashes as it took off, leaving
               a smell of burning sulphur. (Quincy)
Jul. 24, 1952  Vico (Italy). A man who was fishing in the Serchio
night          River saw a disk hovering for 10 min. From it hung
               a hose that plunged into the water. The object was
               20 m in diameter, with five propellers in the rear and
               a dome with something like blades on top. An orange
               glow could be seen through slits along the deck. A
               man wearing a diving helmet looked at the witness
               through a window, and he received a kind of electric
               shock as a "green ray" hit him. He looked up with
               difficulty, in time to see the object fly away toward
               the east. Six days later a stranger with a foreign accent
               contacted the witness and intimidated him. (FSR

Jul. 29, 1952  Enid (Oklahoma). Sidney Eubank went to the Enid
               police station and told Sergeant Vern Bennell that
               an enormous disk had buzzed his car as he drove be-
               tween Bison and Waukonis on Highway 81. The rush
               of air made the car leave the road while the object
               flew west very fast. (Anatomy 134)

Aug. 19, 1952  West Palm Beach (Florida). Ronny Desvergers saw
evening        a large, round, dark object above him in a clearing. It
               had a turret on top. Red balls of light were emitted
               by the object and burned him. He also observed a
               "hideous" creature aboard the craft. Grass roots were
               scorched at the site. (Ruppelt 222; Magonia)

Aug. 24, 1952  Frontenac (Kansas). A man driving through a wood
0600           encountred a strange object and stopped to observe
               it. It looked like two turtle shells glued together, about
               25 m long, with a humanoid creature in what ap-
               peared to be a control cabin in front. Windows lighted
               by an intense blue light and a throbbing sound were
               also reported. The object was oscillating and suddenly
               flew straight up with a strong humming noise. The
               middle section supported what looked like propellers.
               The object hovered 3 m above ground. (Atic)

Aug. 27, 1952  Lamberton (North Carolina). A saucer-shaped craft,
               3 by 2 m, landed on the witness's property after hitting
               a chimney. A little man, about 70 cm tall, emerged

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