Sacred Texts
Legends & Sagas
Popular Tales of the West Highlands Index
Vol. I
Vol II.
Vol. III
Vol. IV
Popular Tales
of the West Highlands
by J. F. Campbell
Volume II
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This is the second of four volumes of Campbell's collection of Scottish
For the most part this volume is a continuation of the same sort of material
in volume I, presenting folklore which has themes and motifs
similar to other northern European traditions (and, of course, world folklore),
albeit in a Scottish setting.
Towards the end Campbell includes two unique tales,
The Fair Gruagach, Son of the King of Eirinn, and
The Knight of the Red Shield.
These appear to be true remnants of ancient Celtic or pre-Celtic
mythopoetic texts, and have a narrative structure and prose style
that are radically different than previous material.
Also of interest are the endnotes to The Smith and
the Fairies, (see this and following files),
which have a summary of the regional Fairy lore of West Scotland.
Production note: In this volume I have included several shorter
Gaelic passages, particularly in the
Chapter on Riddles.
--John Bruno Hare, March 26th, 2004
Title Page
XVIII. The Chest
XIX. The Inheritance
XX. The Three Wise Men
XXI. A Puzzle
XXII. The Ridere (Knight) Of Riddles
XXIII. The Burgh
XXIV. The Tulman
XXV. The Isle of Pabaidh
XXVI. Sanntraigh
XXVII. Cailliach Mhor Chlibhrich
XXVIII. The Smith and the Fairies
[Isle of] Man
[Conclusion: Fairy Beliefs]
X. The Fine
XXX. The Two Shepherds
XXXI. Osean After the Feen
XXXII. The Barra Widow's Son
XXXIII. The Tale of the Queen Who Sought a Drink From a Certain Well
XXXIV. The Origin of Loch Ness
XXXV. Conall
XXXVI. Maghach Colgar
XXXVII. The Brollachan
XXXVIII. Murachadh Mac Brian
XXXIX. The Three Widows
XL. The Son of the Scottish Yeoman who Stole the Bishop's Horse and Daughter, and the Bishop Himself
XLI. The Widow and her Daughters
XLII. The Tale of the Soldier
XLIII. The Sharp Grey Sheep
XLIV. The Widow's Son
XLV. Mac-a-Rusgaich
XLVI. MacIain Direach
XLVII. Fearachur Leigh
XLVIII. The Tale of Sgire Mo Chealag
XLIX. The Cat and the Mouse
L. The Three Questions
LI. The Fair Gruagach, Son of the King of Eirinn
LII. The Knight of the Red Shield
LVII. The Tail