Sacred Texts
Legends & Sagas
Popular Tales of the West Highlands Index
Vol. I
Vol. II
Vol III.
Vol. IV
Popular Tales
of the West Highlands
by J. F. Campbell
Volume III
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This is the third of four volumes of Campbell's collection of Scottish
This volume is less 'fairy tale' oriented than the previous two volumes,
and includes several significant pieces of poetry, including the
The Lay of the Diarmaid,
The Yellow Muilearteach,
The Lay of the Great Fool,
and the The Lay of Osgar.
These have been transcribed in both English and Gaelic, and the Gaelic text
of these lays is included in the etext.
The longest tale so far,
the Story of Conall Gulban,
is found in this volume.
Also of interest are the (fairly transparent) pagan mythological themes
in many of the pieces in this volume.
--John Bruno Hare, April 21st, 2004
Title Page
List of Illustrations
LVII. The Rider Of Grianaig, And Iain The Soldier's Son.
LIX. Fionn's Questions.
LX. Diarmaid And Grainne
LXI. The Lay of Diarmaid
The Story of the Lay of Diarmaid, No. 1
The Lay of Diarmaid, No. 2
The Lay of Yeearmaid. No. 3
The Lay of Diarmaid, No. 4
LXII. How the Fox Took a Turn Out of the Goat
LXIII. How the Cock Took a Turn Out of the Fox
LXIV. The Hen
LXV. The Keg of Butter
LXVI. The Fox and the Little Bonnach
LXVII. Caol Reidhinn. Why the Name was Given to it
LXIX. Thomas of the Thumb.
LXX. The Bulls.
LXXI. The Hoodie Catechising the Young One
LXXII. The Hoodie and the Fox
LXXIII. The Yellow Muilearteach
LXXIV. The Story of the Lay of the Great Fool
The Lay of the Great Fool
LXXV. Guaigean Ladhrach 'S Loirean Spagach
LXVI. Conall Gulban; or Guilbeinach, or Gulbairneach
The Story of Conall Gulban
Story of the King of Spain.
The Story of Conall Gulban (Part II)
LXXVII. John, Son of the King of Bergen
LXXVIII. The Master and his Man.
LXXIX. The Praise of Goll
LXXX. Osgar, the Son of Oisein
LXXXI. The Lay of Osgar
LXXXII. How the Een was Set Up
LXXXIII. The Reason Why the Dallag (Dog-Fish) is Called the King's Fish
The Lay of Magnus
LXXXV. The Song of the Smithy
Duan Na Ceardach
LXXXVI. Nighean Righ Fo Thuinn. The Daughter Of King Under-Waves